Electric Smoker Recipes
Smoked Salmon
fresh salmonsaltpepperlemon juiceWash fresh salmon thoroughly, then rub with salt & pepper. Brush with a mixture of melted butter and juic... -
Get Married Fish
fish filetsbutterlemonsweet onionsweet significant otheraluminum foilAn Old Smokey employee made this recipe for his then-girlfriend and got a... -
Garlic Chicken
4 cloves of Garlic 2T melted Butter or Margarine Salt & Pepper Paprika Sauté 4 cloves of garlic, minced, in 2 tablespoons of mel... -
Italian Chicken
Spaghetti sauce Chicken (Pieces or Whole) Let chicken marinate in spaghetti sauce for at least two hours. Remove from marinade with as m... -
Japanese Chicken
1/2 cup soy sauce 1/2 cup catsup 2/3 cup sugar 1 tsp salt 1/2 tsp ground ginger and clove garlic pressed Use this mixture as a marina... -
Orange Chicken
1 small bottle of Italian salad dressing 1/2 small can frozen orange juice concentrate Mix the two ingredients. Marinate the chicken in... -
Lemon Chicken
1 cup lemon juice 1/4 cup melted butter or margarine 1/4 cup worcestershire sauce 1T tabasco sauce 1T celery salt 1 tsp pepper 1 tsp o... -
Pepper Chicken
whole chicken or piecesanaheim pepperjalapeno (if you want it really spicy)Remove seeds and cut pepper into strips. Slip pepper strips between... -
Smoked Chicken
whole chicken or chicken piecesany kind of seasoningYou can cook whole chickens exactly as you would a turkey. Chicken pieces cook more quickl... -
Smoked Turkey
whole turkeybarbecue sauceKeep turkey refrigerated until ready to cook. Thaw completely and remove giblets and neck from inside turkey. Wash... -
Real Texas Chili
3 lbs heavy beef stew meat or chuck roast cut in 1" cubes.1 lb pork sausage1 t onion salt1 t garlic salt2 t salt1 1/2 t black pepper1/2 t oreg... -
South Texas Meat Balls
2 semi beaten eggs2 cups pimento salad olives1 lb. hot pan sausage2 lbs. ground beef1 cup minute rice1 cup parmesan cheese1/2 cup olive oil3 c...
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